Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What is a "civilized country not at war?"

Despite her belief that her own country is civilized and our brown neighbors to the south are uncivilized, I don't think Japete is a racist.  Perhaps in the "soft bigotry of low expectations" liberal sense of bigotry, but not a traditional racist.  Her outlook might better be described as patronizing, as she implies certain people can't help themselves from murdering, so they're not really comparable to us. 

Her civilized/uncivilized societal distinctions are practical.  If she includes the "uncivilized" countries in the comparison, the US ranks favorably in terms of "gun violence" rates.  But if she excludes the uncivilized brown people, the US ranks worse. 

It's a transparent move that doesn't fool anyone.  An honest person would question why countries like Mexico, whose corrupt government bans civilian gun ownership, realize rates of violence much higher than the US. 

Here are snippets of this Brady Campaign board member's disturbing views:

Jul 11, 2011 – This is the country that has the highest gun deaths per 100000 of any civilized country not at war. This is America where the second ...

May 30, 2011 – Why are there so many shootings every day in America (more than any civilized country not at war)? Why do the gun rights activists push back ...

Apr 24, 2011 – We already have enough victims and more than any other civilized country not at war. We don't need more. Ask your legislators what they are ...

May 1, 2011 – Statistics point to the very American problem of gun violence not seen in any other civilized country not at war. We have a serious problem ...

Feb 19, 2011 – We love our guns and as a result, we have more victims than any other civilized country in the world. These are victims- people who were one ...   

Jun 26, 2011 – Otherwise we wouldn't have the most gun deaths per 100000 of any other civilized country. I read a lot of articles about gun incidents that ... 

Apr 2, 2011 – ... that the U.S gun deaths per 100000 are hugely higher than any other civilized country in the world not at war. That is common knowledge. ... 

Aug 2, 2010 – ... every civilized country not at war except the U.S.). He needed a little help from Dailey to answer his question: "" He shook his head. ... 


  1. Yep they make numbers up out of thin air, further mask them with bogus metrics like "Gun Death", and don't think of the consequences, Like Russia, the now #1 Nation in Space is "Uncivilized Nation"...or maybe they're at war?

    Certainly Arizona (which she sites as having a high "Gun Death") is in fact at war.

  2. To her credit (did I just say that?), she acknowledged that she throws that phrase around too much.

    The bigger point is that cross country comparisons are pointless, whether US vs. Mexico or US vs. Canada or whatever, because "gun violence" rates differ for many reasons unrelated to gun prohibition.

  3. She's forced to spin it somehow since no logical argument can be made. When people are afraid and unable to comprehend something they will say anything.
